A review by mash1138
Batman, Volume 4: Zero Year - Secret City by Marguerite Bennett, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV


Snyder's "Batman" is so damn great! What makes it great is not his characterization of Batman (though he does this well), but the fact that main character is, in fact, not a character at all; it's Gotham City. With the city as the centerpiece, Snyder weaves an intricate, nothing-is-wasted tale, in which we experience all of the characters as they have been affected by dark, corrupting force of Gotham. Also of note is Greg Capullo's amazing artwork, which is especially effective when it's offering us one or two-panel "Breaking Bad"-style teases, in which we are given a teasing glimpse of some event yet-to-be-revealed. I am still not in love with the coloring in this book, but it really doesn't detract too much.