A review by sarahrosebooks
The Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home by Catherynne M. Valente


I'm glad I've finally finished this series, and I don't regret reading them, but I'm a bit disappointed with this book, like I was with book four.

I think this just got too whimsical, too flowery for me. The writing was just too much. Everything had to be described in very long paragraphs, and I ended up skim reading the descriptions because I just couldn't take it any more.

This book also suffered from too many characters. Most of the books in this series have a lot of characters, but this one seems to have every character that has ever been in any of the other books, perhaps as a way of saying goodbye to them all, but it made it very hard to keep track of them and figure out who was who. It didn't help that it's been so long since I've read the other books in this series - I would recommend reading all of them in a short time frame so you don't forget who is who between each book!

I did like the story overall, even if it was hard to follow at times, and I'm glad I got to see how September's story ended. I think I would read this to my child(ren) some day (if I ever have any), as it is very good for younger readers, in my opinion. Overall, this was a solid three star read. A satisfying, if somewhat disappointing end to the series.