A review by mandylovestoread
The Killer in Me by Olivia Kiernan


The Killer in Me by Olivia Kiernan is the second book to feature Detective Chief Superintendent Frankie Sheehan. Although I have read the first book in the series I believe this book can be read as a stand alone story. It is told from the point of view of Frankie, who is all about work and her family. She doesn't seem to have anything else in her life and we know very little about her. I would like to see more about her as a person in the next book. It is easier to like or dislike a character with a bit more insight into them personally. In saying that I really enjoyed this book, with its many layers and characters that all tie in together. The ending was very clever and not completely obvious.

We have 2 stories running side by side in this book. Frankie is called to the scene in a church in Clontarf where 2 bodies lay dead. It is a gruesome scene with very little clues to point to the killer. More bodies start to appear and it seems that the victims are linked, but who wanted them dead. We also have Sean Hennessey who was convicted of killing his family 17 years ago. With the help of the media he is claiming he is innocent. As Frankie looks further into it there are other possible suspects and there seems to be police errors in the initial investigation. Frankie's boss is keen for this to go away without tainting the department.

Thanks to Quercus Books and Netgalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased.