A review by cec_loves_to_read_books
My Daughter’s Wedding by Gretel Killeen


I went into this thinking, oh great a little light-hearted read...but turns out that’s not what I got. This book is very, very funny and quirky and bizarre in places too but as you can see by my multiple sticky notes it’s also a really insightful look at the complexities of mother/daughter relationships. Maybe it was because my mother and daughter were in hospital while I read most of the book, maybe it was because I can clearly recall planning my own wedding and the pressure I placed on my mother at that time, maybe it was just because I am bone achingly tired in that ‘been a parent for 16 years and a daughter for 43 years’ kind of way...whatever the reason the book resonated with me deeply.

Written in diary style you get only the main character Nora’s point of view for most of the book which worked well but at times you were left thinking is she the most reliable narrator here?!

Prepare to be surprised by some very outlandish plot twists and a lot happening in a very short space of time. Prepare too, to feel deeply for Nora and her mother and daughters and the oddball characters that form up their ‘family’.