A review by lostinagoodbook
Invictus by Ryan Graudin


Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley in return for an un-biased review.

The right book at the right time can be such a gift. I really needed a book just like this just now. After my recent looong journey through a very deep and emotional fantasy series, I felt like I needed something bright and shiny to chase the shadows out of my brain. This book was perfect.

A young man, Far Gaius McCarthy, is a promising time travel cadet whose final exam is derailed by a rogue Marie Antoinette. Things only get more complicated from there.

How to describe this book? Would you like a book about time traveling bff’s skipping through history heisting rare artifacts? Heck yes you would! This book is as fun as it sounds. It grabs you right from the get go and you’re swept along until the very last page.

Thankfully, the time travel aspect is well handled. Books about time travel can quickly get bogged down in complex paradoxes if an author is not careful. Ms. Graudin does a terrific job maneuvering the terrain without losing her sense of fun and adventure.

Far McCarthy, is an excellent character. Cocky and headstrong as he should be in this role, but with a wonderful group of friends keeping him safe and facilitating both his work in the black market, and the search for his missing mother. The ensemble cast of this book is really endearing. They are a terrific group of friends who are genuinely fond of each other and quirky as all get out. I’d love about 4 more books please. If we could have one focusing on each character that would be just great! The author has said this is a standalone book, so I guess I’m not going to get my wish, but hey YOU still have a chance to read this book for the first time! Get to Netgalley quick my book blogging friends, they still have review copies. If you’re reading this review after the book releases, then what are you waiting for, buy it. You won’t be sorry. A fantastic journey awaits!