A review by andrewspink
Autoriteit by Paul Verhaeghe

informative slow-paced


This book is only ten years old, but already it feels quite dated. He writes that the Internet is bringing democracy, sexual oppression of women doesn't exist anymore, and the Internet of Things is so new that the author gives a completely wrong definition of it.
He has a rather hyperbolic writing style, which reads more like an after dinner speech than a serious book. Every school will soon have a lawyer. There will soon be no men in senior management.  Personally, I found that rather irritating; what are we supposed to take as factually correct (or his actual opinion) and what as rhetoric? It also contributes to some sections reading like they are written by a stereotyped boomer complaining about change in the modern world.
It is not all negative, though. On the whole, the book was interesting and thought-provoking. Probably when it was written, it was quite progressive. But that was before #MeToo, manipulation of elections by social media and the climate crisis.