A review by misosoupcup
The Book of Dog Poems by Ana Sampson, Sarah Maycock


great little book. a very nice little collection of poems about dogs. it kind of covers the entire lifespan of dog ownership from picking them from the store or shelter, watching them grow up, walking them, observing their little quirks, the companionship they offer, watching them grow old, and eventually the death of your pet. there are also poems from a variety of speakers, whether they be the owners, the dogs themselves, an omniscient voice narrating, or an observer. all sorts of tones ranging from the happy, hilarious, the somber, and tranquil.

the book itself is very beautiful too. a nice hardcover book with textured cardboard, a black ribbon bookmark attached to it, lovely watercolor renditions accompanying most of the poems, and vibrant orange end pages.

my favorite poems

  1. Flush or Faunus-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  2. I Started Early-Emily Dickinson
  3. Golden Retrievals-Mark Doty
  4. They (May Forget (Their Names (If Let Out)))-Vahni Capildeo
  5. The New Dog-Linda Pastan
  6. The Dog-Ogden Nash
  7. Walking the Dog-Howard Nemerov
  8. The Hairy Dog-Herbert Asquith
  9. Not My Dog-Matt Harvey
  10. Verse for a Certain Dog-Dorothy Parker
  11. Mongrel Heart-David Baker
  12. Fidelity of the Dog-William Wordsworth