A review by melreads1126
The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack


First off, I really enjoyed this one. It was funny, hot, suspenseful, and still had room for some romance and action. I would have been very upset when it ended if there weren't three more books in the series and a spin-off (happy dance)

At first it was hard to tell who the bad guys were, but as the story progressed it became quite clear (although I do think there will be some team changing coming down the line).

One thing that kept running through my mind the entire time was what person in their right mind would do what Grateful did to land where she did. I mean first moving into a house on the edge of a cemetery?? (Sounds like asking for trouble.) Then staying in said house after the whole wine switching incident and meeting the resident ghosts that had you running from the house screaming bloody murder?? (You're really asking for it aren't you...) AND THEN when you see the mess (and I don't mean an actual mess) in your neighbor's house that has you passing clean out on his steps you still stay??? (Alright! You totally asked for it!!) Not to mention how she came to be in that house in the first place... Smh...

All this made for a very interesting read nevertheless (especially those sex scenes even though they were a little confusing at times... including that one part that reminded me of that scene in Scary Movie 2). I mean after all that, who wouldn't want to see what happens to her?? I'll most definitely be reading the next book in this series.