A review by thursdaygirls
The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem


Things I liked:
  • Everything about our female main character from her motivations to her past to the progress she makes throughout the book.
  • How memories are used within the novel and a realistic look at how childhood trauma can impact someone later in life.
  • Hashem’s ability to keep her writing within the confines of the story and not embellishing the world with unnecessary details.
  • Most of the relationships were well formed and believable.
Things I disliked:
  • Plot device tournament, an overused trope but glad it didn’t take up too much of the book.
  • Sloppy presentation of the male lead; he is often compelling in the moments that are shown and yet there is much telling that accomplishes little to convince the reader as well.
  • Disconnect between marketing and actual novel.