A review by nagia
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson - Volume 1 by


I think that Daredevil is the first impaired superhero. There were other characters who had vision problems but they were restored in one way or another. Daredevil is the first superhero that while blind continues to be active, able and effective. He rises above his imperilment and learns to live with it and compensate. Actually, not just compensate but turn it into an advantage.

With the exception of Batman, Daredevil is one of the loneliest superheroes. It isn’t just that he hides his identity from all his friends. It’s his nature. He is quiet and distant, borderline antisocial; he feels more comfortable observing rather than participating. He is also very collected and the least humorous superhero. The least talkative too. Whenever he engages in battle he is always calm, focused, ruthless, imaginative, clever, and almost never engages into pointless bragging.

He is also one of the 'darkest', grimmest superheroes, sometimes he looks positively tortured. Sometimes he sets off in a self-destructive path. He is so single-minded in his pursue and so proud that he will not retreat not even when that would be the logical choice, not even when he risks losing far more important thing in life. He has a harsh nature and ends up pushing everyone away, even though he hates his loneliness.

Daredevil is street-smart, he is comfortable in shady places and he uses the appropriate language. Yet, at the same time he is educated, accomplished and respected as a lawyer. He is one of the most well dressed, poised end eloquent superheroes. Sometimes he comes across a bit snobbish and sometimes he is just charming.

I really enjoyed the parts where we got to see a bit more that Daredevil kicking villains' ass. I enjoyed his comradery with spider-man and "Exposé" was my favorite story!

What really bothered me was the lack of decent female characters. Whenever a female entered the scene she was either a vapid, flimsy socialite or an extremely sensuous figure whose only purpose was to please the hero or follow him around. I was annoyed. Also if women have to walk around in those gigantic breast, why aren't their male counterparts equally unrealistically portrait?