A review by ameserole
Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner


Sweet Disorder is the first book within the Lively St. Lemeston series.

Now I walked into this with zero expectations. From the synopsis alone, I figured this was going to be an entertaining book. Then we get some dating because a widow can never be alone with grief. Or whatever. So, when Phoebe starts to develop feelings for Nick it definitely made things a bit more complicated. Mostly because they couldn't be together, but I thought that was utter crap.

It didn't take long for them to realize that they had something. Chemistry for sure and they were pretty easy to like as well. So, I was excited to see the romance brew between them. Then the whole "we can't be together" towards the end annoyed me so much. Like, ugh, just no - don't say it. Be together and move on.

In the end, I might jump into the next book.