A review by foiltheplot
Pierce Brown's Red Rising: Sons of Ares - An Original Graphic Novel by Rik Hoskin, Pierce Brown


4.5 stars

I am a die-hard Red Rising fan, so I was thrilled when I learned that Dynamite would be publishing a prequel to the series. In fact, I purchased and read the single issues each week that they were released. I'm impatient.

Overall, I really loved the graphic novel. Powell's art is strong, graphic, and intense, which plays well against the harsher nature of Brown's story. We're given very real characters fighting a system that's designed to beating them down. It’s harsh, cruel, unfair, and, more often than not, depressing. But also uplifting. The thing about this overall series is that you leave with hope, and that's something oh so beautiful.

Do I think you have to read the series prior to reading the graphic novel? No. But do I recommend it? Absolutely. The book series adds a level of depth and context that lends to the comic and makes it feel more "complete."