A review by sandrareilly513
The Family Plot by Megan Collins


True crime fans will enjoy the "easter eggs" in Megan Collins' latest, The Family Plot -- characters named after famous murder victims, a sister who is famous for her murder scene dioramas, a missing brother, a dead father, a mother obsessed with honoring victims, it's all here in the twisted tale of the Lighthouse family. Their story is an intriguing one, filled with weird traditions of honoring their namesakes on their birthdays and children who become grownups with severe trust issues, as the passing of their father brings to the surface several dark family secrets that just couldn't stay buried. For all of the true crime intrigue, though, there were predictable aspects of the plot and a few twists that should have felt "twistier". But overall The Family Plot kept me turning pages as the slightly unreliable narrator "comes of age" by learning her family's secrets, and this is definitely a story with "October feels", best read by a nice, warm fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa.