A review by christajls
Lumberjanes: Somewhere That's Green #1 by Seanan McGuire, Mari Costa


Reviewed on Women Write About Comics

I’m behind on the main Lumberjanes series but Somewhere That’s Green is an oversized one-shot from author Seanan McGuire (Every Heart a Doorway) so I was still able to get my fix this month. In this issue, the Lumberjanes are trapped inside during a particularly bad storm, but when Bubbles escapes out the window they chase after him and come across several very muddy, spiky cactus kittens in the woods. Knowing the kittens’ mother is out there missing them and being the good Lumberjanes that they are, they set out on a mission to bring them home. But then they stumble on a magical garden menagerie tended to by Dryads, and they stay to help root out the deeper problem at the heart of the garden (sorry for the pun—I couldn’t resist).

This was a delightful romp through the Lumberjanes world, especially for me, someone who has been away for it for a few months now. The whole group is here for this mission and I liked that no one character was the star. Everyone has their own moments to shine and their success was truly a team effort. This is true of many Lumberjanes comics, and part of what makes this universe so great. I’m definitely going to spend some time over the next month trying to get caught up with the main series.