A review by biblee
Concerning My Daughter by Kim Hye-Jin


oh man i have so many thoughts about this book i can't even begin to process everything but here are a few of it straight after finishing it:

1) FAWK THE MOM FOR BEING SO SHITTY TO LANE?? they're the nicest most caring person and did nothing wrong throughout the book but the mom was always shitty to them like... lane is so much stronger than me fr cause i would've fought and answered back every single time lmfao

2) the mom consistently questioned why jen devoted her youth to doing good deeds for strangers but i realized that she also cared for jen selflessly. i mean she didn't expect anything in return even when she was no longer jen's caregiver and treated her like family until her passing. the irony?

3) initially it seems like the mom is homophobically biased against her own child (among others lol). but if you really think about it maybe this reaction is rooted in the mom's desire for green to experience the traditional family life that she believes being a lesbian might deny her...? maybe jen's life influenced the mom's fear of dying alone leading her to project her anxieties onto green...?

3) the mom believes that if her daughter were in a het relationship, married and raising children they wouldn't feel lonely when they get older but the mom herself was married, has a daughter, and yet struggles with her own feelings of loneliness. again, the irony?

anyway maybe i'll add more when i get to organize my thoughts but yeah even though this book is short it is so powerful and will make you feel and contemplate about relationships, societal prejudice, universal struggle with loneliness and growing old... and life in general i guess…