A review by mehsi
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy


A re-read time. I want to read this whole series, I got them on my shelves but never was motivated enough as I wanted to re-read the first book first. Since that kept being impossible thanks to my head remembering all details it took me until now to do it. And yes, I enjoyed it less... because even though its been 13 years.... I still remember most plot points. *sighs* My mind is spoiling the book for me. :P But it was a great read and I am glad I have the chance now to read them.

I loved Skullduggery and I absolutely adored Stephanie and how kick-ass she was. She never let anything stop her instead just kept going. We learn various things about her family and I was rooting for her to be able to master magic. She picks a special name and it fits her so well.
The book was very exciting with lots of adventure, magic, and twists and turns. Though there were scenes that felt a bit too coincidental/easy. Things Stephanie instantly can do while most would either be afraid or just fall she does almost without ease and that was a bit of a shame. The ending set up a whole thing for the next book which I will be reading soon-ish. All in all, a great first book, it really set the tone and I cannot wait for more.