A review by jengirlreads
Hitched by Lucy Lennox, May Archer


Hitched was a hilarious, sweet, sexy romp through the utterly delightful ridiculosity of small-town Licking Thicket.

This is book two in the Licking Thicket: Horn of Glory series (following the original Licking Thicket series), and while you don’t need to have read the previous books, things will make a lot more sense if you do. And why would you deprive yourself of the joy of reading these books? They are filled with fantastic puns, snarky humor, witty banter, and delicious love stories.

And Hitched is no exception. We start off with wedding planner Quinn Taffet and security expert Percy “Champ” Champion decidedly NOT in a relationship. They’ve both been burned before and are not going down that path again, even if they do spend more nights together than not, enjoying lots of hot sexy times, and Champ leaves his dog with Quinn all the time … But nope, not in a relationship. Until suddenly their two work worlds collide and overlap in a way they only can in a small town like the Thicket. Suddenly, they’re fake engaged and living together and working together and … so many shenanigans ensue.

I don’t want to give away too many details because one of the joys of these novels is discovering what hilarious antics these authors come up with next. But, oh, how I loved watching Quinn and Champ fall for each other despite their best efforts. I loved how understanding Quinn was of the importance of Champ’s work and how wonderfully growly and protective Champ was of Quinn. Such a fantastic and fun ride. Definitely recommend.