A review by ladydewinter
Captain America: Winter Soldier by Ed Brubaker


(Review written after reading this in May 2010)

Ok. This. This was really, really good. Something I have been complaining about regarding Marvel was that most of the stuff I read left me feeling somewhat uninvolved, which considering I tend to invest myself a lot in things I like was, well, odd. But this. Oh, my heart. (That phrase is the number one clue that I'm involved. Oh yeah.)

This was recommended to me as a dark and gritty spy story, and it is that. It took me a while to get used to the mood, but the story was really cool even if you know who the Winter Soldier is right from the start. But maybe that just made it even more tragic.

Speaking as someone who only had a very rough idea about the characters when she started reading it, I have to say that you get to know them fairly quickly, and in a way that makes you care about them a lot. (Well, it was like that for me, anyway.) And it was very well done from a story-telling perspective as well - I especially liked what was saved for the penultimate page.

I really think I should wait with writing these things until I've calmed down a bit - basically for every sentence I just wrote you have to add an "Aaaah" and "OMG" and such like. But to sum this whole thing up, this was really good and I loved it a lot and it's all I can do not to order the next part right away.

First read May 9th, 2010