A review by thedailykaylee
Last Chance Diner by Rowan Thalia



I feel like this book had SUCH potential. But I’m gonna be honest and say that the whole ex “girlfriend” thing threw me off. Let me be clear, there is no cheating or anything, but an ex girlfriend pops up and makes it clear that she’s hurt because she is in love with one of the men in the harem and wants him back. Our heroine, who is kidnapped by the ex, decides she’s gonna be best friends with the girl and make the guy apologize to the ex for hurting her, and encourages them to go off alone and talk it over. I’m sorry, maybe I’m just not as “secure” as some women, but hell no am i not sending my man off with his ex who is still in love with him and decide to be best friends with her. SHE WANTS YOUR MAN GIRL. Idk, I just couldn’t get passed that.