A review by paddlefoot55
Crave Me by M. Robinson


ARC received from author for an honest review

See that one up there on the left ^^ - that is M. Robinson as we are reading Crave Me.

I knew that Austin's story was going to be ugly, and I did heed the warnings to have tissues and alcohol nearby.

But man, what M. Robinson has given us is just so. much. more.

I don't think I have even hit double digits percentage wise of this read before I was a blubbering mess. Both Austin and Brigg's stories were tragic, and I wanted nothing more than to grab them both in a big warm hug.

And they were as good for each other as they were bad.

"Heaven and Hell. God and Satan. Love and Hate. It all blended together. Forming a clusterf&*k of hope and despair."

Ugh! I can't tell you how many time I had to stop reading as I couldn't focus on the page through my ugly tears. Just when you thought that there couldn't be any more, that this had to finally be it for our lovelies, the rug was pulled from under your feet. Again. We are taken on an

and so many times I wanted to get off the ride, but wanted, no needed to know what happened next.

There is a character who plays a rather large part in this story (who we haven't met before) who I was always wondering - is he a good guy or is he a bad? Even at the end I was conflicted.

There is also a great set up for the next book - but I am not going to tell you who or what it is about - you need to experience it for yourself!

M. Robinson truly is the Queen of Angst - and can't wait till she tears me apart next.

But please Ms Robinson - buy a girl's heart dinner before you f&*k it!!

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