A review by amym84
Mystic and Rider by Sharon Shinn


This is the first book by Sharon Shinn that I've read. I didn't really know too much of what to expect with her writing, but I was impressed. Mystic and Rider is definitely a fantasy book taking place in the land of Gillengaria. The king has deployed a group to gauge the feelings of the people in the country, there seems to be some unrest.

I really liked that the book started out so abruptly. Our group has already left on their journey and we start the book somewhat in the middle and learn the why as the continue on. I liked that Shinn set up that backstory this way. I think had she started the book before they started the journey the momentum would have been off. It would have taken too long to get into the mission of the story. This way, we are already invested in what they are doing before we even learn of the consquences of their mission.

The main character Senneth was good as well. It would have been really easy for Shinn to make her too hard and tough. I mean she is a very solidary character, but she's written with such mystery. We know there's more to her than she shows us and it's very interesting learning about her past.

The romance in the book was not the main focus at all. It was very subtle, but Shinn makes it well worth it. It is a big part of who the characters develop into by the end of the story so I guess it has enough focus in that respect, but those people looking for a love story first, may be disappointed. I would suggest to suspend your expectations and then you won't be let down, but pleasantly surprised.

I know that this series follows a different main character in each book (with all the established characters from this first story making appearances) so I'm interested to see if Shinn can keep my interest without Senneth as the main heroine. I do look forward to reading more by Sharon Shinn and can't wait to continue this series. Until Then!