A review by reqlikv
Blood of Torbatt by C.J. Merwild


If you liked Domino in the first book, then I think this is an enjoyable read. If not, well…

!!!Spoilers below this point!!!

Many of my opinions are the same of Wanderer, so if you’d like something more eloquent, please look at their review!

Okay. What I liked was Gus. His story, his development, his character, it was brilliant. I don’t understand why he had to bang Charr, but tbh, fair enough, and I found the whole thing with Ganlaa very realistic, because fuck, he needed some damn comfort, and Ganlaa was willing to offer. It was also believable that he helped Gus out in the ring.
The world is so, so rich. So intense. So, so much potential. What dragged down was that almost no plot came around until part III. And up until then, I only read on because I was interested in Gus’ story.
Domino’s character for me just isn’t developed. I know a lot of people like him, and that’s totally fair. I found him just as boring and as much of a pushover as in the first book. He mostly moped, and it didn’t really do anything to further the plot. And he didn’t think about Gus, like, at all?????? It just seemed very out of character for him. And you can definitely have characters that are annoying (like I found Domino to be) but still have it work, but Domino’s character was, for me, just weak. I also don’t think it helped to have his main development drive be the fact that he’s now Unaan - it makes the development he does go through feel unearned, and sigh I really do want to like him, but I just cannot see him as a strong and trustworthy leader.
I really liked Lienn - but her romantic and now sexual relationship with Domino felt forced. I think it would have been wonderful, had they kept it platonic, it reminded me of the “seasons” scene from the first book that I hated, that he can’t resist her purely because she’s a pureblood, not because he’s like, actually attracted to her, and it all came way too fast. Now there’s also the fact that I’m fairly certain that Gus and Domino are endgame, and I don’t see how there will be a satisfying conclusion to this throuple situation - either we get poly or Lienn is going to get screwed over worse than the female characters in this series usually are, and she doesn’t deserve that. And like, it wasn’t necessary for the plot - he could have been wanting to get her out of captivity even if she wasn’t his wife or was pregnant with their child. I just found this kind of relation with Lienn misplaced and unnecessary, even though I really like Lienn. Their bond seems way more like one of a mentor or maternal to me, but I’m glad if you enjoy the pairing, honestly.

Overall, the writing and plotting, pacing and characters were much better than the first book - there’s been a real development in Merwild’s writing skill, and it was really enjoyable to see this growth and also watch the world and plot unfurl. I was so caught in the plot and twists in part III that I couldn’t put it down, and it was so intense that I literally was nauseous and had a knot in my stomach as I read, so I really, really appreciate the intensity of the world building, and it was satisfying to finally get some payoff for the setup that has been going on for 1 and 2/3 of a book. I feel like book 1+2 could have been cut to a sharp 600-700 pages.
I usually find the whole main-character-is-revealed-to-be-a-god thing extremely trite, but it worked for me here, maybe because Gus doesn’t seem to be ridiculously overpowered, another great feat of this book. I sincerely hope that Domino isn’t a fallen god, though - but I think that he’s going to be revealed to be that.

All in all, I think I will be picking up A Thread of Life when it’s published, mainly because I find Gus extremely intriguing. I am aware of the fact that there will be a lot of aspects of it that I don’t like. I also know that some of what dragged this down to three stars for me is also personal preference - but I do think that a lot of it is also just things that simply don’t work for the story. I am honestly just very happy for you if you thoroughly enjoyed book 1 and 2 - I will be reading and hopefully enjoying book 3 critically, spurred on by Gus’ character and the worldbuilding. If Merwild improves as much as she has between book 1 and 2, then I think book 3 will be enjoyable - but she does have some obstacles to clear to make this story work, mainly figuring out how Lienn, Domino and Gus’ relations all will work out. I wish all three characters the best.