A review by marissacelina
The Original Crowd by Tijan


Damn, I've been dying to make a review about this beautiful book. This is actually one of my most re-read books. I mean, most of Tijan's books are, but this one especially. Something about Tijan's writing just gets me. It's music to my ears and I connect with it so much. She is definitely one of the most UNDER-appreciated and rated authors out there. She creates masterpieces with her words. I can think of about 95% of her work I'd like to see get turned into a movie/tv-show, and I mean in a really good Harry Potter-like adaptation.

ONTO THE BOOK ITSELF. Taryn is amazing. She is everything I need and want in a protagonist. She has her faults, like anyone else, but to me it just makes her even more relatable. Her personality reminds me most of Tijan's other character, Samantha, from Fallen Crest High. If any of you guys know that series, another amazing piece from Tijan.

ANYWAYS. Taryn is totally badass and she shows it just in the first couple pages in the cafeteria. We get to come along with her journey in this new environment and life, much to her dismay. By the way, Tray is hot hot hot, and is the obvious main love interest but can we just imagine how MUCH MORE hotter Jace is? like .. Damn. I specifically love the scenes between Jace and Taryn because their relationship is so complicated and complex, but yet so interesting to read on. Definitely some of my favourite parts are with them two together.

The characters are amazing, from Taryn to Tray to Jace to Brian to Grayley and even Mandy, whom at first I hated. But come on.. once you read the whole book, you'll learn to love everyone. Lot's of drama hits every page, from drugs, to deceit, to sex and basically illegallness in general. Especially considering what her night 'job' is. And she is hella great at what she does!

I can not recommend a book more highly than this one.

NOW being a huge fan and follower of Tijan and her novels, I suggest reading this novel first and if you loved it as much as me, you guys should check out The Original Crowd, which is basically the original version of A Whole New Crowd. And yes, somethings are changed. You can get it on kindle, and I highly recommend reading it because its just fun and to see the original copy of this story. Personally, I like the Original Crowd much better, but thats just me :) Im glad she can let us read both!

IF you liked this review, you can see more on my blog! http://keepcalmandloveboooks.blogspot.ca