A review by stuffsamdoes_
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry


2.5/5 - I LOVE to read these types of books as 'friendly reminders' or to check things I may have forgotten about (is my bank still FDIC insured? Am I putting my money into the correct investment accounts? etc.) and hey, there is usually an added bonus of a few new tips and tricks that you can look into. This book was great for ALL of that. BUT, and there is always a but with these "Millennial" niche reads...the author was SO condescending!! Using cringey words/sayings that somehow us Millennial's are known for, the last few chapters...WOOF!, and overall left me with a BAD taste in my mouth. Would I recommend this book? Nah! There are others out there that don't make you feel like a complete failure if you don't have X amount of money saved up by the time you are 25 or try and put you down because you have to move back home with your parents (hey, life happens and sometimes it's inevitable). Skip this one.