A review by duvyna
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir


I’m a tad bit conflicted about “A Torch Against the Night”. I found the story paced fast enough and there was a lot of action, violence, and general mayhem. The author pulls emotional strings and you spend most of the book hoping there is a solution for Elias.

The conflicted part comes in the form of a sorta love triangle that was just kind of lame. It really annoyed me and made me want to wring Laia’s neck for just being that girl. I really want to hope that it is resolved and won’t rear its ugly head in the next book but I’m afraid I’ll have to see it again.

There were a few other areas in the book where I just wasn’t convinced Laia was physically strong enough to do some of the things she did, like lift Elias onto a horse, just was not feeling that…

If it wasn’t for these few issues I would have been quite happy with this segment of the story but those problems made me mark this one down a bit. I think I’ll probably read the next book, but it’s not due out until next year so we’ll just have to wait and see.