A review by verkisto
The Face in the Frost by John Bellairs


I always want to like Bellairs' books more than I do. I love his writing style, and the way he so effortlessly blends the serious with the humorous, but in the end, I like the ideas of his stories much more than I do the stories themselves. I saw another review say something to the effect of, "Great writing, but not much story", and I have to agree with that assessment. I read this one because (a) I saw it was standalone, and (b) I saw it was the only book he wrote for adult readers. What's interesting is that I kept thinking this book would be perfect for young kids.

I will say that Terry Pratchett and Robert Asprin owe a lot to this book, though, for Discworld and Myth Adventures, respectively. I doubt this was the first comedic fantasy novel, but the way it reads and the way it balances the humorous and the serious reminded me a lot of those two series.