A review by angels_gp17
Holiday Abduction by Eve Langlais


Holiday Abduction is book six in the Alien Abduction series by Eve Langlais. This was another fun purple alien romance.

Jill is not sure what to do. Her farm is going into foreclosure and she has no way of bailing herself out. She’s hoping for an alien invasion.

Vhyl is in the filed of acquisitions; which means he collects and/or steels things. He is also a purple alien.

I had a lot of fun with both Jill and Vhyl. Jill grew up with her grandma who believed in aliens, so when a purple guy shows up at her front door, instead of freaking out, she stays cool, and finds out what he wants. Things soon turn into a run to survive from another alien who wants Vhyl dead and the government showing up looking for aliens. Their romance is fast, but fun. The adventure they go on is exciting and keeps the story moving.

Holiday Abduction is a short read and everything moves fast, but it was also a wonderful and strangely sweet adventure.

Rated: 4 Stars
