A review by gdulecki
The Book of Queer Prophets: 24 Writers on Sexuality and Religion by Ruth Hunt


As with any anthology, there were some pieces that resonated with me more than others, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book. This was given to me by my partner, who knows that I am a queer, trans, Christian that absolutely loves anthologies— and goodness did they hit the nail on the head with this one!!

I do agree with what some other reviewers have said, in that I wish the book had more diversity of faiths. Being a queer Christian, I have read lots of works on queerness and Christianity, and I would have loved to see how queerness and faith intersect for folks other different faiths (I guess that means I’ll have to see what’s already out there!!).

I have to say that the final essay in the acknowledgments is the one that brought tears to my eyes— wholeheartedly because it sounds like something my mom could have written about our relationship (outside of my mom not being a priest LOL). My HEART.

Overall, I am very glad to have read this. My queerness and my faith are integral parts of my being, and it always makes my heart feel so tender when I get to hear stories of how others experience faith and queerness.