A review by tracisbooks
Whiteland by Rosie Cranie-Higgs


I have no idea how to describe how I feel about this one. I didn’t like it was much as I thought I would, but I enjoyed it more than I feel like I should have.

Generally speaking, Kira and her family are on vacation in Switzerland when her sister goes out for a walk at night and nearly dies. She is somehow changed when she gets back, terrifying and otherworldly and her parents just seem to want to pretend like it’s not happening. She makes friends with a local boy, Callum, who helps her even though no one is exactly sure why he would.

I felt for Kira throughout this book, mostly because the real horror seemed to be how childish her parents were and how much they relied on her to be the adult... it continued on in the most annoyingly unacknowledged way and that was truly frustrating.

The horror elements are based on Scandinavian folklore and are passably frightening, at least in the beginning—I feel like this lost me around halfway and I never really got back into it again. It seemed like it had a little too much filler, especially around the middle. But I still generally liked it... perhaps it reminded me more of a screenplay than a novel.

thank you to the publisher and netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.