A review by magicalbookworm
Out Past the Stars by K.B. Wagers


2.5 stars - This was a decent wrap up book with all the loose ends getting tied up neatly. The story itself was pretty on brand with the past books which I enjoyed. A few personal issues with the romance made it difficult for me to fall in love with the book in the way I wanted to.

After a total of 6 books, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the overall story, characters, and worlds built over the course of both trilogies. I love the little family Hail has built and seeing her continue to persevere through what have been really crappy situations. She's cool and I love her general vibe. This particular trilogy was more politically-focused than it was action-packed. There was some action and I did enjoy a lot of the politics, but I do think some sections of the book ran a little too slowly.

I usually rate this series higher because I really do enjoy the story and characters as a whole, but I just can't do it in these last two installments. The decision was made to develop a romance between the main character and someone I considered emotionally abusive and very manipulative in the last book was continued into this one along with justifications for the behavior that I did not agree with. Aside from that, I just feel like the relationship itself didn't feel like anything special. The romantic interest felt very... boring, in my opinion. Either way, I wasn't into it and it made the continuing journey tougher to get through.

Wrap Up:
I still love the first trilogy lots which I recommend giving a shot ([b:Behind the Throne|28118539|Behind the Throne (The Indranan War #1)|K.B. Wagers|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1463566588l/28118539._SY75_.jpg|48129333] is the first book). The start of this trilogy was also enjoyable. I most likely would have enjoyed these last two books just as much if it wasn't for the romance choice. I just couldn't support it personally.