A review by eantoinette285
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


Sweet baby Jesus.... MASON FREAKING KING. Where can I find one???

Oh Brooke, you silly mess of a girl. Why would you ever want JUST sex with this gorgeous man from down under? This is the kind of man you marry, and FAST.

She's very go-with-the-flow and he's total zen. She has the mentality of a guy with her casual sexcapades, and he wants the whole deal. He's the hearts and flowers of the two. A guy like that is an absolute treasure, and not to be wasted.

I want to say so much, and at the same time, can't think of enough to say to depict what I'm thinking properly. I adore Mason to the moon and back. From his endearing little "yeahs", "sweethearts", and "gorgeous", to his kindness with the good deed he offers to students taking his yoga classes, and finally... taming the beast that is Brooke. He is a beautiful soul and captured hers. He got her to realize she wanted something better, and to be a better person because of him.

Their relationship is the perfect mixture of mature where they discuss their future and their lives, to the fun they have together (arcades, photo booths, camping, delivery vans, etc). I really hope I meet them again somewhere down the road, because I'm so anxious to know what's next. I need a litter of King babies.