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A review by books_and_cocktails_afterhours
Grieving Gold by Daniel McDaniel


This one is going to be hard to review. I enjoyed reading this book so much, so I would definitely recommend it for fantasy and horror fans, but at the same time there was something missing.

Grieving Gold started very confusing with a lot of different characters and POVs that seemed completely disconnected. However, this was not a problem at all since the individual stories kept me glued to the pages and made me care for the characters, and their inspirations and struggles, individually. Most of the characters and their plot lines are very well developed, and we get introduced to new characters all through the book, all of them somehow relevant for the plot.

The different characters paths eventually intertwine in an amazing way, and somehow it all makes sense. Well, except some lose ends, but I assume that these will be relevant for rest of the series.

There are a lot of information dumps through the book, which makes sense since this is the first book of a series, but somehow, I felt like some important information was just not there. While the author paints a very vivid image of Luminosity, the magic system felt overly complex. There was no origin or explanation why there is such a wide variety of powers. It was hard to keep up and know what to expect as it is never properly explained.

Overall, I really enjoyed this reading experience, even though the magic system felt flat for me.

Thank you very much Endless Equinox and NetGallery for providing me this ARC.