A review by rachelcully
The Boy Book: A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them by E. Lockhart


I enjoyed this story even more than the first. I donlt know if this is because this one is sligtly less soul shatteringly empethetically depressing or because our heroien, Ruby, isn't so irriating when it comes to descion making. She also doesn't whine as much; althougt there is some whining involved but give her a break it's teen angst. Mostly I think I liked reading this book more because it follows more of a strict pattern and time line. With Roo #1 she seemed to jump around from past to "present" to future wthin her narrative. In the Boy Book she follows more of a strict retative pattern with her story. It starts with an entry from the real boy book that has relavance to the chapter then goes on telling her story n order with a few back stories and te occasional nutshelling of key events from the last book. And to my great appreciation Ruby never got ahead of herself in her story like she used to.
over all I truly enjoyed reading this book. Found the style, writing, and plot of this book to altogether superior to the previous Ruby Oliver book. I look forward to reading the next few aswell.