A review by storytellersbymarlou
A Touch of Death by Rebecca Crunden

Did not finish book.
This book was provided to me by the author, and then later by Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Do you ever think you're in the mood for a certain book, but then you start the book and you just can't get into it? That was the case for me with this one.

Writing style: There were so many immense paragraphs with so many useless details... I thought my head was going to explode from all the info dumping and then pretty much forgetting about everything that I've just read and having to read it all again. The writing also felt very fancy. We're looking through the eyes of a young woman but she (and everyone else) talk like they're 1000 years old. It was really aggravating to read that.

Characters: I've somehow managed to read a lot of books this year where the characters just don't seem to have a personality