A review by hidekisohma
Deceived by Paul S. Kemp


Long story short? Everyone in this book is a weenie. That's pretty much the extent of it. There's a few main characters here and they're all weenies.

1st main character: Zeerid. he has to run illegal spice to coruscant which is currently under imperial control but has moral issues against drug running. but he's going to do it because of his daughter. Yeah. he's one of THOSE characters. You know, the one where having a child is the only definable trait about him. Every time you think they're about to go into his backstory they have to bring up the fact that "his daughter is super important to him and that's all that matters." That's why i hate characters with children. They can never just be "people who happen to have children." The children apparently HAVE to be the focal point of every decision they make and are used as crutches to move the plot along when they feel their characters wouldn't do it themselves otherwise. Then at the end, after making nothing but light side choices he makes a super dark one. just...i don't know, because. It was stupid.

2nd: Darth Malgus: Tries to be badass, however throughout the entire story he's worried about his twilek slave/lover. he's constantly slapped down by his master and every scene he's in he seems to be worried about his twilek. she gets shot, he's worried. she gets kidnapped, he's worried again. then after all of this, he kills her. Character growth? I guess?

3rd: Aryn. a jedi who gives up everything to hunt Malgus for killing her master. then she realizes that leads to the dark side, loses to malgus and goes to live on a farm with Zeerid. Nope. not making this up.

The biggest problem was i didn't like a single character. They were all whiny idiots. Everyone was crying about something whether it be their wheelchair bound daughter (yes, they actually put the girl in a wheelchair to try to gain sympathy), their master, or their twilek slave. I didn't enjoy the inner machinations or thoughts of ANY of the characters and kind of wanted them all to die.

Zeerid was the worst offender though as his story was all over the place. The exchange gives him this huge shipment of engspice (basically superdrugs) to deliver to coruscant, only it's under imperial control temporarily as they blew up the jedi temple. They even give him 100,000 credits after wiping his debts clean to deliver this stuff. So they spend the first 1/3 of the book telling you how important it is that he delivers his stuff of the exchange is going to hunt him down and kill him. Then the shipment blows up. and we never hear about it again. Zeerid runs off to be a farmer at the end of the book and...well that's it. No repercussions from the exchange, no nothing. just "Welp, that didn't work out." But of course he's 'glad' because he never wanted to run drugs and blahdy blahdy light side garbage. I would be more on board if at the end he didn't kill a dude in cold blood because "of his daughter's future safety". i'm telling you. i can't stand characters like this.

The biggest problem with this book was that it was unnecessary. It didn't even tell an interesting story. Every single plot point was nullified and nothing made a difference.

-Jedi padawan goes to avenge master. doesn't
- Zeerid goes to deliver engspice. doesn't.
- guy gets hired to kill Zeerid. Doesn't.
- Malgus tries to protect Twilek slave. kills her.

The story might have been interesting, but there was no weight. no nothing. the only character from the game was Malgus and the rest was just pointless fluff. it discussed the sacking of coruscant that happens before the game but other than that, that's it. At least the revan book had characters you know. This one was just kind of....there. The battles were pointless and had too much text that i ended up skimming through them.
Still, i have to say, it was a fast, easy read and that made it okay. if it had been longer it would have been not good. as it was, i give it a 2.5 rounded up to a 3. it's a big fat, MEH.