A review by lilyevangeline
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Peter A. Levine

As an individual doing therapy that involves a lot of Somatic Experiencing, I found this helpful in helping me better understand the words/phrases my therapist uses, and well as some of the goals/theory. I would consider myself fairly well versed, as a lay person, in how trauma and the trauma response manifests in our body, so some of this was repetitive, but I still found there were multiple valuable insights to be had here, and I made several new connections. I think I also found his essentially optimistic perspective of trauma--as something that our bodies are naturally equipped to heal from, given a little help--to be very heartening.

That said, this is a book that is rather outdated at this point, with a great deal of information that has since been since refined and updated by other people in the field and presented in a manner that is less vague and better cited (and less problematic, as I found this on occasion to be). Would say this should be read only if heavily salted and under the active care of a somatic therapist.