A review by bookwoods
Cold Earth by Sarah Moss


Had Cold Earth been my first encounter with Sarah Moss, I would have thought that it has a lot of potential and waited eagerly for her later publications. However, this was the last one of hers I had to read and I’ve already seen that potential evolving into something spectacular (=especially The Tidal Zone). Compared to the others, Cold Earth ended up being quite meh. The story isn’t all too cohesive, the execution is lacking and the text keeps wandering to insignificant subjects, although the characters are great as is the premise: a group of scientists in Greenland while an epidemic is spreading in the outside world – the human race might be dying and there might be ghosts of ancient Greenlanders being stirred by the archaeological digging.
As a huge fan of Sarah Moss it was interesting to see where her literary career started and to observe the development of her writing - I’m getting more and more exited for Ghost Wall! But if you’re new to Moss, then I do recommend starting with something else from her.