A review by bfdbookblog
There You Are by CJane Elliott


As I started reading this book, I was drawn in by the emotions and backstory of both characters. I just knew it would be a 5 star read from the beginning. However, as the book progressed the pacing of the rest of the story didn’t match the beginning – it felt rushed and big chunks of story were missing. Even the angst near the end felt a little rushed. The story was still good, I just felt like it was on fast forward through half of it – it would have been one of my favorites of the year if the second half had been more developed. If you don’t mind the rushed pace, you will love this story. There are a few heavy issues to deal with – familial, loss of a partner, sexual identity and discovery.

Phineas is mourning the loss of his longtime partner and basically not living – he’s kind of stuck in the past. Providing a refuge for Sandy brings him back to the living. Phineas at first appears to be kind of an old man – too serious, a little bit of a homebody and somewhat emotional. He’s very sweet, good to his friends and awesome with Sandy. But when we meet his alter ego – Phanny Hill – we realize he can be fierce and unstoppable. He seems to need Cody’s calmness and easy going personality to cam and balance him.

Cody claims to be a bit of a free spirit – he never stays in one place for too long which is how he ends up in Portland. He’s had a bad run with relationships and is a bit afraid of commitment. He wears his heart on his sleeve a bit and rushes into relationships. He’s immediately drawn to both Cody and Sandy and is a good complement to that family.

I liked all of the characters and will definitely read the next book in the series should there be one.