A review by aranafyre
The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks


I just do not like this book as much as everyone else. The first time I read it in high school I remember feeling like it was a poorly done Lord of the Rings rip off. I still feel that way. There is the mysterious, traveler Allanon (aka Gandalf), the south land were the people lived peaceful, seclude lives (the shire), the faithful Flick (Sam) so devoted to Shea (Frodo), the band of friends from all the races, the dark practically invincible Brona (Sauron), the skull bearers (nazghuls), the fight for Tyrese with the disfunctional, royal family (mix of Rohan and Gondor fights).

This time I particularly hated the verbose writing. (I know ironic since I love LOTR). I get Allanon needs to tell Shea about all the war of the races but can't he be more succinct. And there is just a lot of descriptions that are boring. I eventually started skipping paragraphs and I never do that. Also, Brooks uses third person omniscient but will flip character perspectives within a single paragraph. I found that annoying.

I reread this because it was a book of the month recently for Sword and Laser and there is the new TV show. I am glad to have refreshed my memory but I could have been reading something better. And while I remember liking the next books better, the memories are not found enough to have me reread them again now. I might only if it jumps to Will's story which I think it did jump a generation between the second or third book.