A review by weaselweader
The Last Stand by Brad Ferguson


A fine addition to an ever expanding Star Trek canon

Two races, the Krann and the Lethantana, have been at each other’s throat in a war that has extended over six millennia and two solar systems. The USS Enterprise and its crew, constrained by the regulations of the Prime Directive, are all that stands between two peoples, both on the edge of the discovery of warp drive technology and their apparently relentless push toward mutual annihilation.

As a long term fan of all things Star Trek with a particular fondness for The Next Generation, I’m pleased to report that Brad Ferguson’s THE LAST STAND will not disappoint. While it’s not about to win a Pulitzer Prize for any literary merits, it certainly ticks all the boxes that any Trekkie reader would be looking for – phasers, transporters and warp drives; a plentiful supply of Data, Worf and Troi quips, jokes and foibles; a meaningful morality message on the senselessness of war and the obstinate characteristics of humanity (or humanoids in this case) that stand in the way of peace; a few tasteful hints in the direction of under-utilized libidos; and, of course, cliff-hanging last minute coolness under fire.

Definitely enjoyable. Definitely recommended.

Paul Weiss