A review by lilybear
Catch and Release by Isabel Murray


My new favorite. This was absolutely glorious. When I finished reading it I went ahead and read it again. And then I went back to read my favorite bits. An epic love story that skates between reality and fantasy. Joe meets a merman, or what he assumes is a merman as 'Dave' can't exactly speak human and explain what he is. He first met the merman at shore in a chance encounter that proved equal parts erotic and terrifying as Dave is a near 7ft wall of muscle with fangs. Afterwards the two begin an adorable courting with Dave bringing offerings of fish and being a general nuisance to Joe's once boring but peaceful life. Once of the funniest moments had to be when he 'saved' Joe from a hammock clearly mistaking it for a fishing net some nefarious foe trapped his beloved in.
(*Minor Spoilers Below*)
But it wasn't all sexy times and humor. There were some real feels as the two lovers overcome the hurdles of communication and species. They learn the hard way that Dave cannot survive life on land and Joe cannot live in the sea. Not indefinitely. Yet they still love each other. They meet in the middle, even if that means they can't spend every day of their lives together. Some time is better than none. They wait and endure because their love is worth it. There is something crazy romantic about waiting and trusting for your love to return to you. I was absolutely swooning at the end.