A review by papidoc
Rough Country by John Sandford


Light reading, a bit more humorous and light-hearted than Sandford's Lucas Davenport series. Entertaining for an afternoon like last Thursday when everything was shut down due to a once-on-a-century blizzard (North Texas-style). The roads were impassable, the kids were off at friend's houses, and there was a fire in the fireplace. Just the conditions for a few hours of entertaining reading.

This is the third (I think) in Sandford's Virgil Flowers series, the detective who also writes for outdoor sports magazines and drags his fishing boat wherever he goes. Though his appearance was brief, I had to laugh at Flowers' friend, Johnson Johnson, who was named after an outboard motor. His brother, Mercury, was less fortunate in the naming department, but as Johnson said, had they had a sister, her name would have been Evinrude, not half bad for a girl's name.