A review by nero1279
The Resurrection by Jodi Ellen Malpas




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2  production

🎤 NARRATED BY 🎤 Shane East, Vanessa Edwin, Emma Wilder, John Hartley

An excellent performance from all narrators. Shane and John’s voices were distinct and Emma’s voice of not only Beau but Danny’s is exquisite. I could listen to her rendition of Danny all day. 

ARTICULATION  - clean and clear. 
BREATHING – controlled, volume, consistent, project appropriate, low mouth noise
DELIVERY – solid and in the spirit of the text and author’s intent. Timing and pacing is extremely appropriate. Varied and not too predictable. No editing issues. 
EYE BRAIN MOUTH CONTROL – accurate and effortless delivery.
CONSISTENT – high energy, good articulation, breath and pitch control.
ANALYSIS – understands the story arc and characters.
CHARACTERISATION – brings to life. Distinct and consistent in tone, attitude, age, accent. Voices match characters. (Shane East bring all those Jesse vibes back!)
SEPARATION- clear and decisive for all performers.
INVESTMENT – the emotional connection helps with visualisation.

🌶️ spice / 5
😘 romance / 3

📚  STORYLINE 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 😘😘

A clever multi character story that pulled book 1 and book 2 together into an intricate story web. Loved the use of characters for the chapters and the way this story wove the past stories into it. Bring Danny and James together is simply brilliant. 17 hours whipped by with this read.  I would not wait too long between book 1 and book 3 as I did, having to reach back into my memory of book 1 to put some things into place. 

Yes, it ends on a cliff hanger, but seriously, how could it not. It’s a 5 book series folks and this was only book 3. Come on, The Bear is going to tougher than that to defeat. I honestly don’t think we’ve seen the end of some of the minor characters either. Also, keep an earwig out for the mention of the Title and Series Titles.  They seem to be subtly woven throughout. 

Danny and Rose - ahhhh, one can only “hate them” immensely 😉. 

Beau and James seemed to develop further in this book than the last and this pleased this humble reader. Beau becoming a stronger arc and James somewhat finding his softer romantic side. ❤️

I loved this instalment in The Unlawful Men Series and can’t wait to dive right into the next book. Bring on The Rising.