A review by thebooktrail88
Summer at the Lake by Erica James


Come to Lake Como with the booktrailer - come to Lake Como
What do you look for in a holiday?


Beautiful views?

Italian ice-cream?

Well then this literary trip to Lake Como should be just the ticket. And incase you’ve already got a holiday booked and can’t go for real - a perfect opportunity to go there and sample the delights of the area.

The story in a nutshell -

Floriana it would seem is a girl after our own hearts as she is kind of a booktrailer – well she’s an Oxford Tour guide and takes people round Oxford on literary tours such as that of Inspector Morse and Lewis.

Lucky in her work she may be, however she is not so lucky when it comes to love - Seb is the one that got away. She should have told him how she felt but instead they split. Two years later, Seb writes to her to tell her that he is getting married in Lake Como.

This simple card sets off such a chain of events that Floriana can not believe what is happening. She is so distracted with the news that she doesn’t see the oncoming car for a start…

But all is not lost…yet. Floriana is rescued by two people who encourage her to get well and then go to Lake Como to attend the wedding. With her narrow escape clear in her mind, will she now seize the chance to get back the love of her life?

The setting of the story starts with the Dreaming Spires of Oxford, England…
The Oxford setting is ideal for literary tours and Erica sprinkles her prose with additional spice – mentions of Harry Potter for example and of the book shop Blackwells, is lovely as they bring the literary meaning of her work to the fore.

As for Lake Como - well - is this not paradise?

Hotel Margherita is fictional yet there are many stunning villas dotted around the lake that could have been chosen for the inspiration behind it. The hotel in the book , a home for the Montford Family back in the day when it first opened.

The novel is a lovely read and a gentle pace with evocative descriptions on every page – never getting in the way of the plot but allowing you to indulge your five senses – you’re not just reading but experiencing Erica’s world.

The author has a home there and loves the views and it shows. Take a stunning lake, a few grand houses, a cool breeze, a cocktail and some Italian charm and you have the perfect ingredients for a summer at the lake.
