A review by libralita
Snapshot by Brandon Sanderson


I haven’t read a Brandon Sanderson book in like a month but this short story fixed that. Also apparently February is the month of reading detective stories. I really enjoy this short story, it was such a cool mystery and I loved the characters. Sanderson is so go at writing twists, he’s just a genius. I highly recommend this, especially if you need your Banderson fix because you’re waiting for Oathbringer.


I believe this story takes place in the Reckoners Universe because first, the absolutely awful names like the “Restored American Union” and two:

“One of those…things was trapped somewhere, kept unconscious, electricity buzzing through it and doing this. Re-creating days, in their entirety, from provided raw matter.”—12%

“‘You ever wonder if the thing that powers this whole operation can see what we’re doing?’
‘I think it’s suppose to be unconscious,’ Davis said, pocketing the phone. ‘It dreams up a re-creation of the day, and we slip in.’
‘So we’re in its dreams.’ Chaz shifted, umcomfortable.”—44%

I’m guess they’re referring to some sort of Epic. Which means that after what happened in Calamity people don’t trust Epics still. I mean, I wouldn’t either, but y’know. Maybe they’re enslaving them.

Now let’s talk about the characters and the twists. I kind of saw coming that this was a Snapshot and from what the Postscript said, that was Sanderson’s intention. I didn’t see coming that Davis was going to kill Chaz. I was super upset about this because I really liked their relationship but as I look back at some of the parts I highlighted there were hints. God Brandon Sanderson is too good.

Also this haunting final line:

“I wonder what it feels like when—”

That’s all I have about this story, I really loved it and now I need to go to bed.