A review by flyingwargle
Infinite in Between by Carolyn Mackler


Several problems I had. This book embodies American stereotypes...like, a lot of them. Underage drinking, underage driving, teen pregnancy, constantly hooking up and breaking up, and sex. Lots of it. I've read too many YA novels set in the US so that's why I keep associating these things with the US, even though they must appear in other schools in other countries. I must have a sheltered life compared to these kids.

I didn't connect with any of them. I didn't stop to read slowly one perspective over another. You can't really tell the difference between any of them, except for maybe Mia, because she's freaking creepy.

There was way too much. Nothing was ever in full depth, like,
SpoilerGregor getting stung by a bee and his dad dying. The bee sting was random and doesn't affect him much at all. His dad dying, on the other hand, only affected him after his death. We don't get to see their relationship so to be suddenly slammed with a death makes you think Oh. Okay. And then you flip the page.

The ending...that ending. Not satisfying but it leaves room for wonder. I guess.

I kept seeing this on my Tumblr and the blurb made me sort of excited to read this. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I'm not glad I read it and really, it just made me confirm I need to read more Canadian YA.