A review by nicolemhewitt
Mila 2.0: Renegade by Debra Driza


This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

When I read the first book in this series, MILA 2.0, I enjoyed it, but I honestly wasn't blown away. Still, I was definitely interested enough to pick up the second book in the series, hoping it would impress me more than the first.

Well, this is one of those cases where, at least for me, the second book in the series far outshone the first. I easily read this book in a day because I was so enthralled with the story!

The synopsis tells pretty much all you need to know (any more would be spoiling), so I'll get right to my review.

The negatives:

Not a lot of action in the first half.
If you were a huge fan of all the action scenes in the first book, you might find the first half (or so) of this book lacking somewhat. Honestly, for me this wasn't really a negative at all - the first half of the book focused more on the budding relationship between Hunter and Mila, on her grappling with how to tell him the truth, and on her search for the man she believes might be able to help her finally learn more about herself. I really enjoyed this part of the book and felt a much stronger connection to both Hunter and Mila than I remember feeling in the first book. But, like I said, if you're looking for action-packed android battles, you'll be disappointed (at least at the beginning!).


Hunter and Mila.
Like I said above, I found myself much more invested in both Hunter and Mila in this book. I loved that Hunter basically threw all caution to the wind and just went to Mila when she needed him. Their romance is sweet and doesn't move too fast - and we got to learn a lot more about Hunter, which I appreciated. Mila's struggle with whether or not to tell him the truth about herself felt realistic to me. And I also really loved her internal struggle with being an android - she still feels like a person, and can't quite come to terms with what it actually means that she might not be. I just genuinely liked both Hunter and Mila in this book - and when things started to possibly go wrong with them, I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how it would all play out.

The twists.
Once again, Driza has written a book with many twists and turns. I was never quite sure who was trustworthy and who wasn't or where the story was going to go next. I found myself constantly surprised, which I absolutely loved!!

The ending.
Those of you who hate cliffhangers won't be happy with this ending, but I loved it! Driza put Mila into a horribly impossible situation (in more than one way) and I can't wait to see how she gets her out of it!

I can't really say more without spoilers, so I think I'm going to stop there. For me, this book was just the right mixture of romance, Mila's inner journey, action and surprises. If you loved MILA 2.0, definitely pick up this book. If you were somewhat on the fence about the first book, I'd encourage you to give Renegade a try. This is one series that seems to just be getting better! 5/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the author and publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are my own***