A review by amothersmusings1
Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver


Will Carver always guarantees to deliver a high-concept, dark, and twisted literary thriller and the third in the unique Detective Sergeant Pace series, “Hinton Hollow Death Trip” is no exception.
With a distinctive and eye catching layout, the story is instantly addictive and with interesting little snippets on most of the pages, these fitted in perfectly with the chapter you are reading and are often thought provoking on the human condition.
Uniquely recountered and narrated by Evil itself, this provided a remarkable voice to an already chilling story. Don’t think Halloween costumes or Hollywood movies, this is a faceless entity that could be a whisper, a gentle breeze, black flames on a wall or a feeling of being followed. Very chilling but I did find I endeared to Evil even though he/she is everything it’s name suggests! Evil warns the reader at the beginning to turn back there and then and I would recommend if you’re easily offended or triggered by animal cruelty or children’s deaths then I would say don’t read this book. There’s a lot of uncomfortable reading but in a surreal, entertaining way but then I like my stories to be as dark as dark can be.
Detective Pace is a bit of an enigma but if you’ve been following him through the previous two books you’ll understand his character. I loved old Mrs Beaufort, the stalwart and matriarch of the town but once Evil gets it’s hands on many of the characters with an invisible push, it changes their personality but only to what’s deep inside them to begin with.
Will Carver is well known for his inventive, sadistic, crude and often cruel imagination, so if like Evil suggests this is not for you, turn back straight away but for me, it was a highly entertaining, thought provoking read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Chilling, sinister, dark and festering, I only hope that Evil and his plans won’t pay a to visit our towns and cities anytime soon!

4 stars

Many thanks to Lovereading for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.