A review by melissa_bookworm
Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan


This was being compared to Sally Rooney's Normal People. Though it does have a similar pace, in Normal People you feel for the protagonists & want the best for them - they at times unlikeable but they are relatable. In this book, the protagonist is unlikeable but has few relatable features.

There are moments of interest, for instance Ava's support of abortion within Ireland & her revelation of her relationship with her dad, to show real depth to the character but they pass all to quickly and don't actually develop her as a person.

Perhaps my dislike of this book is because I'm not a 'literary' reader - it was a character based narrative, with little 'plot' but at the same time I felt there wasn't much character development? We never really understand why Ava is so withdrawn & in need to be 'in control' within her friendships/relationships. Julian was not enjoyable, seemingly finding joy in being awful. Edith & Miles were the only characters with redeeming characteristics. The setting wasn't particularly vibrant either, it could have been anywhere in the world. There was also a lot of talk about grammar (as she is a TEFL teacher this made 'sense' but didn't exactly zest up the prose).

It was easy enough to read but there was no pace or intrigue to keep me reading. The ending was a little ambiguous which is typical of books like these but a little closure after 200+ pages of not much happening would have been nice.