A review by literamy
King of Flesh and Bone by Liv Zander

dark emotional tense fast-paced
The prose in this book was both gorgeous and visceral. I loved Ada, and how her kindness and ferocity were both so present. I am much more of a character person than a plot person, so I didn’t mind that the plot was quick and a bit muddied at times. What I did mind, though, was Enosh. The non-con/dub-con was NOT it for me, and the moments where we got his perspective weren’t enough for me to look past the inherent violence he acted with. I love a Hades/Persephone or Beauty and the Beast retelling, but the way that literal SA and BREAKING OF THE HEROINE’S LEGS were glossed over left a bad taste in my mouth. I am curious enough about Ada’s journey and well-being to read the second one, but I don’t want anything to do with Enosh. A dark romance doesn’t need to involve this much violence to be dark—or effective. I’m in the rest of this series for Ada, and Ada alone, and I hope that Liv Zander’s beautiful writing will branch out into other stories. 

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